Thursday, January 10, 2008

No, really...we're "just friends", right???

Lately, it seems to be as if Jay & I are the newest movie featured on the Lifetime channel (as Mike puts it LOL). We've been good acquaintances for over a year through church, then I think in late November we just seemed to discover each other out of nowhere. Where the heck did he come from? Better yet, how did he fly under the radar without me detecting his awesomeness? LOL. It has been interesting. Since late Nov/early Dec we have spent almost every day either together or talking on the or both. :-) We found out that just when we thought we were so different...we were the same in so many cool ways. We just genuinely enjoy each others friendship and getting to know each other more as each day passes. We have gone on a couple dates and had some "snuggle fests", which later proved to be a bit much-Oops!

Unfortunately, you don't know how things are going to go until you experience them. I am so thankful for learning experiences, in the present and in hindsight. As a woman, well I guess I should not generalize women and say, For Sarha-it is hard not to let my heart jump ahead of my mind. My heart really started to feel a lot of things for Jay in just a months time-which freaked both of us out. I had NEVER felt those emotions for ANY man before in my entire life. IT WAS WEIRD!!!!! So, understandably that freaked Jay out. Initially I was DEVASTATED that his heart didn't match mine. He also did admit to unintentionally leading me on. To me it seemed as if we were both on the same page, at least outwardly. So, when we had "the talk", it came out that he felt like things were moving too fast and he feels bad that it takes him longer to "get there".

So, after that talk we have still been talking and hanging out but there haven't been any "snuggle fests", LOL. Which now I do see as being a good thing. We've even started a new healthier way of eating (along with Mike & Melissa) and are encouraging each other to live a better lifestyle. Jay & I are walking buddies too. I think we make a good team. :-) We are friends foremost but are still open to the possibility of becoming more. Only time and God will tell.

It is what it is.

And it is SO GOOD!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love ya, Sarha. I think you're awesome and beautiful!