Monday, August 14, 2006

My First Week

Well today marks my first week in Boston. Here's a quick recap. It was a hard and emotional first week........I cried a lot and missed my family in Orlando greatly.......I don't know where anything is.......and it is so different here. Things got better over the weekend. I got a lot of encouragement from my friends Jen and Roy. I overcame a huge fear.....something that any other person might see as pretty silly but for me it was a huge victory.......I took the T (subway) for the first time and I was by myself. I am feeling a lot better today...... I wasn't sad at all. Today I posted my resume and started looking for jobs. I am growing more confident in believing that I will have even more victories here and will continue to overcome fears. God will see to that, he will not stop until I am completely VICTORIOUS.


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