Although it would be cool to be super human and be able to fast from food for six months......that's not what I'm doing. I made a pact with Jess last month that we would fast some things that we love for six months. The main thing that we shared was clothes. I have become more aware lately of the amount of money I spend on things needlessly and carelessly. God has put me in a living situation that is ideal for saving money which I haven't been doing at all.
I have found myself "emotional shopping". It unfortunately has been very therapeutic for me during my family's excruciating and stressful times over this past year. There are a lot of good things that I want to do but don't have the money for because as soon as I get paid my money is gone off to paying store cards after shopping sprees. So with the new and sad awareness of my bad spending habits the Holy Spirit spurred me on to fast for 6 months. So the things that I love and am fasting from buying are:
I am also fasting these things because I want to hear from the heart of God. I long to intently tune into His Voice and His Word.....which is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; judging the thoughts and attitudes of my heart. Nothing hidden from His sight. Everything uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom I must give account. (Hebrews 4:12-13)
I want to receive His instruction and counsel in regards to my future and the way in which I should go. Yielding to His Holy Spirit and not fighting Him like and stubborn mule that needs to be controlled by a bit and bridle in order to come to Him. (Psalm 32:7-9, Proverbs 22:6, Isaiah 48:16-18, Psalm 143:7-9)
There are a lot of changes coming ahead for me. This time I am openly welcoming them. I am not scared. I am not nervous. And I am not worried. I am excited and thrust my arms up towards His Holy Hill.
No need to hold on for dear life.....
I freely let go and enjoy the ride.
I run in the path of your commands,
for you have set my heart free.
(Psalm 119:32)
Sarha, you are beautiful. I'll be praying for you during your fast! I may even be inspired to look at my own life and the things that have a hold of me.
God Bless You through your Fast... I think it is amazing how God will continue working in our lives, and how the Holy Spirit will reveal certain things in our lives that just aren't what God wants, and so, I commend you for being obedient and deciding NOT to live by your own passions or desires but to live by what God wants in your life. God Bless You. Continue on Fire for God through out your fast, and may The Almighty continue giving you more Revelation into understanding more of His character. Blessings to you and your family. Please stop by my website and become part of the vision to reach the nations and change this GENERATION in Jesus name! -Brian
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