Sunday, June 04, 2006

Family Reunion

I went up to Massachusetts over Memorial Day weekend for a family reunion on my mom's side and to visit some friends. It was a really good yet short visit. It was cool to see so many relatives, many of which I didn't know and had never seen before. I was amazed at how many people in my family are either musicians, singers or both. So I think I get my musical sense from both my mom's & dad's family. Music and singing is just in my blood. You know I had hyped up this trip a lot and really prayed for opportunities to share my life and the gospel with my family and friends. And you know...none of that happened...there wasn't even any real spiritual conversations.

One really cool thing was that my cousin Rainelle (Melissa's mom) looked really good and happy. I commented on how good she looked and she said that "It must be my new boyfriend, Jesus." :-) That was so cool to hear. She got saved just a few months ago. So....I was thinking that it's OK that nothing spiritually big happened on my visit.....things like that aren't always going to happen and that's's building. I had a great time in Boston with Mike & Melissa and seeing where I'll be living.....I felt like I got more clarity on things.....Melissa and I had a good time with Jen and her kids and with Roy. Building is good......there's nothing wrong with have to start somewhere.

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