Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Exodus 34:29 (NIV)

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the LORD.

This verse really struck me today. It's interesting....I was going to write about how I now have "graylights" in my hair. You know how some people put highlights in their hair, like blonde or red. Well, since I have newly discovered that I have a patch of gray hair, I'd like to say that I have graylights. :-) So I wonder....what do people do when they get gray hair? I guess one option would be to color my hair but I have never really liked coloring my hair. I like it just how it is. And then I thought.... You know what....I have earned those graylights...that took a lot of time and work. :-)

Then a picture of Moses popped into my head. I thought of how when he came down Mount Sinai his hair was a dazzling gleaming white. Out of curiosity I looked up the verse above and then realized that it wasn't his hair that was was his face. I think I had the movie version in my head. :-) At any rate, I was amazed by what the verse said. Wow....Moses' face was Radiant from speaking with the LORD!

Hmm, when was the last time my face was radiant because I had been speaking with the Lord?

Father God~ I pray that I make the choice every day to sit in your presence and let your love penetrate my heart. Help me to push every hindrance aside, every distraction, every false god, and may I feast with the King~Jesus, My Savior, My Redeemer, My Lover, the one who rescued me from the pit, the one who has washed me clean and has given me a new name.

I want to be radiant! Do you?

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