Saturday, May 10, 2008

End of the Six Months Fast!!!!!!

That's right. The six months fast that I started with Jess last November has now come to an end! The LORD led me to fast the following items as a result of emotional shopping.


I learned a lot during that time. I saw what my needs were and the dumb ways that I was trying to meet them.....which ended up hurting me more in the end. A lot has happened in these six months. I found the love of my life-Jay! Got some new responsibilities at work. Became the new Treasurer at my congregation. Got a new roommate and moved into an awesome apartment. Lost nearly 30 lbs. Gave myself the best birthday gift of joining the Y with my boyfriend and roommate. Jay and I are doing awesome and looking and feeling better every day!!!

I have been blessed and I know the LORD is going to continue blessing me out of his abundance and overflow of love for me!

One cool thing is that you think that now that the fast is over I'd want to run right out and buy everything in sight. Well, I honestly don't even have the money to do that!!!!! I've also learned the importance of being more disciplined. I believe that the LORD has been teaching me how to learn what I really need vs. what I just want. I love that He ALWAYS provides and sometimes surprises me by giving me what I want too! He rocks! Since I've lost weight though and warmer weather has finally arrived here in New England.......I do want to buy some new clothes.....especially some nice dresses! Good Ole Uncle Sam surprised me today when I went to the bank and saw that nice extra tax refund! Woohoo. My roommate and I will finally be able to buy a couch and I will buy some clothes and put the rest away in savings!

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!! :-)

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Family belongings strewn across the driveway and garage.

Yard Sale.

Memories so old.

Clothes worn by loved ones.

Movies watched and music played.

Maria's candelabras.

Her household decorations.

I just can't use them. I've already taken so much.

Mom's old sewing machine and artwork I grew up looking at.


It's all leaving.

They are all leaving.

I am losing my family......




Thank you GOD for sending Jay to me at just the right time. I don't know what I'd do without him. I need his comfort and love. Thank you for being so kind and sending more sunshine into my life.

I am not alone.






Saturday, May 03, 2008

Pics from Melissa's Murder Mystery Dinner Party 5/2/08

"Bodyguard Jay & Desert Flower"Sarha aka "Desert Flower"
Us :-)
More Us :-)
The (hot) Hat Kiss LOL :-)