Saturday, October 14, 2006

Not much to say...

Hello. :-) I don't really have much to write about. I am kind of just existing. This all feels sort of like a dream. I really want God to heal my sister. The family is hanging in there. Dad got some family medical leave for ten days and people from Laura's work donated some of their time off to her so that she could be out of work and spend more time together as a family. Kayla turned 13 and we just had her birthday party today. I started going to a Lifegroup that I really like. I know that no matter what happens or how I feel on any given day....that I NEED to be in community and fellowship with other believers. The body of Christ is a lifeline for me. I don't know where my life is headed right now. There's no pressure on me but I'd really like to get a good glimpse of something.

Who knows what tomorrow will bring......I just hope it's something good.